We believe Holy Baptism is an individual’s entry into the family of God. In this Sacrament, God claims and names us His beloved; by grace He gives us forgiveness, life and eternal salvation.
Christ Lutheran welcomes infants, children, youth or adults to this Sacrament. Pastors John or Amy look forward to the opportunity to discuss Baptism with parents or individuals.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is food for the Christian journey. We believe and teach that in Holy Communion the crucified and risen Jesus is truly present, offering the forgiveness and grace of God. In our worship services, we invite all baptized Christians who communion in their home congregation to receive the Sacrament and others to come forward to receive a blessing.
We offer communion instruction for children, youth or adults several times a year or by appointment: contact Pastor Amy for more information.
Sunday Church School
We offer Sunday Church School each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. for children preschool age through grade five. The curriculum used teaches the Bible the way the brain learns, connects faith to family life, and is fun.
Each summer, we have a week-long Art, Drama, Music Camp in which our children put on a musical and enjoy learning and fun together. During Advent, the children prepare for their annual Christmas performance.
The group also learns about service by supporting several service organizations throughout the year with their monetary or in kind offerings. These include Compassion International, Haven House, the DuBois Area Food Pantry, ASPCA, and more.
In Baptism, God says “yes” to us! In confirmation, youth say “yes” to God!
This traditional Lutheran program, led by Pastor Amy, helps youth grow in faith and take greater adult responsibility for living that faith in the church, daily life and the world. Our program places priority on building relationships within the group and across generations, as well as on service in the church and community. Confirmation at Christ Church is for 6th through 8th graders. In monthly theme events, youth explore the meaning of Luther’s Small Catechism and the Bible for their lives. Pastor Amy welcomes new students and any questions.
Lutheran Youth Organizations (L.Y.O.)
Christ Church has two LYO’s which meet on a monthly basis. Students enjoy fellowship, learning, service and fun in a safe environment. Our goals include relationship building, faith formation and service.
The Elementary LYO includes grades 2 – 5 and is advised by Nikki Dombroski. The Middle School/Senior High LYO includes grades 6 – 12 and is led by Jeff and Donna Bush. Events include lock-ins, retreats, service events, swim parties, an annual mission trip (for 6th-12th graders) and more. Friends are always welcome!